My wife, ten years younger than I, said she would refuse to read a book with the title “SLIPPING AWAY.”
It sounded too threatening, too depressing. But that was the title—that’s what I felt was happening to me.
Who knew where I was going? I didn’t. “Slipping Away” seemed to be a pretty accurate description of my state of mind. The process of writing this book became an exploration. Life’s Force was given and apparent to me. But after that, who knows where it would lead?
Gradually the stream of consciousness unfolded. It was threatening. It was depressing. But it also grew to become positive—one could survive old age; indeed, one could even thrive in old age.
And hopefully, that’s where this book takes us, through the obvious limitations of our later years, but with the sheer will, adaptation, friends, memories, loves, and acceptance, perhaps this book will help us
realize how we too can thrive in this final phase of our lives. So, with hopes Carol will read it, here’s the new title: SURVIVING OLD AGE—from Slipping Away to Life Afresh.